13) How does Partner Insights handle terminal ownership changes?

Currently this would need to be handled by a change in the db. There are plans to add the management of terminal ownership to the Platform Operator role in the future.

14) Does the terminal owner have to do anything in the event of a terminal ownership change?

Terminal owner would need to contact DTN to have the terminal ownership changed.

15) What does support need to do in the event of a terminal ownership change?

Currently a Jira ticket would need to be opened specifying the original terminal owner and the new terminal owner.

16) What is the process for closing an account?



17) Can a paying subscriber have more than one role?

Yes. Each company can be assigned each of the 4 available roles. Terminal Owner, Supplier, Buyer, Carrier.

18) Can a sponsored account have more than one role?

A sponsored account can only have one role type i.e. buyer.

19) What web browsers does Partner Insights support?

Currently Chrome, Edge and Safari are supported.

20) How many company types are there for Partner Insights? Terminal Owner, Supplier, Buyer, and Carrier. See #17

21) How does Partner Insights support add a new company to Partner Insights? The Partner Insights support team as a platform admin is able to create a new company. Login as a Platform admin and select + Add Company.

Select the type of company

Enter details about the company and click create.


22) How does a Platform Amin setup an account as more than just 1 company type?

Companies exists in Partner Insights. Each Company can have 1 or more of the 4 roles.

23) Does a Platform Admin have the ability to delete an existing company?

Companies cannot be deleted.

24) What’s the difference between a Platform Admin and a Platform User?

The only difference today is the ability to create additional Platform users. A Platform Admin can create users while a Platform User cannot.

25) How can Partner Insights support identify an account that is paying vs sponsored account?

The green icon next to the company logo indicates if a company is active (green) or inactive (grey) in the system. An active system is sponsored if the yellow star appears next to the name. A company without a star has a paying subscription.

26) Does Partner Insights support have the ability to a reset a password for a user?

The “Forgot your password?” link on the login page allows users to reset password. Support cannot reset a password.

When a user enters their email address into the forgot password form, they will receive the verification code that will allow them to reset their password.

If the email address is not a current user, no email is sent.


27) Is there any integration between OM and Partner Insights?

Currently there is no link.

28) If the Partner Insights service is cancelled in OM will it automatically disable the users associated with the account?


29) How many users come with a subscription?

When a company originally subscribes, the company admin email is entered. Once the company admin has logged into the system, the company can create as many user accounts as desired.

30) What operations team should the support team contact in the event Partner Insights is having issues?


31) What’s the difference between a Company Admin vs Company Operator?

Company Admin can create and manage users.

32) Is there a limit on how many Company Admins one account can have?


33) Does DTN support have the ability to view when a user last logged in?

Not currently.

34) Does DTN support have access to any auditing reports that would allow them to see what users have added, updated, deleted?

Not currently.

35) Does DTN support have access to any auditing reports that would allow them to see what users have added, updated, deleted via the Partner Insights APIs?

Not currently.

36) There are 4,278 carriers that appear in Partner Insights. Does that mean that there all on Partner Insights and available?

These are not active customers. We have preloaded as many terminal owners and carriers as we could to facilitate the user’s creation of partnerships within the industry.

37) How can I get a carrier added to Partner Insights that I currently don’t see available but do business with?

The carrier company would need to be added to the system.

38) Does DTN support have the ability to simulate a user?

No. On the future roadmap.

39) Does DTN support have the ability to login to a client’s account?

Only if the user is willing to share a password.

40) How often must a user change their password?


41) How does Partner Insights handle ownership changes? i.e. one supplier acquires another supplier and both parties already use Partner Insights?


42) How many service codes are associated with Partner Insights and what are they?


43) Is there a user that DTN support can use so that they can get familiar with Partner Insights?


44) What determines what terminal products are available on the products page? The Terminal Owner setup and maintains a list of terminal products. The terminal products represent the products configured in the terminal automation system.

45) What’s the difference between a Master Product and a Terminal Product?

You can think of a master product as a product within an ERP. i.e. As a terminal owner or supplier, I have a specific product code for 89 Reg 10% ethanol RVP 7 gasoline. That product can located at several terminals, each with a different description and/or PIDX code (unfortunately). A terminal product is the definition of the product at the terminal.

46) What is the difference between a general workflow and a terminal workflow for Terminal Owner’s role? (?)

47) What Terminal Automation Systems does Partner Insights support? Partner Insights supports DTN G3 TAS and more vendor support is coming in future releases.

48) Does Partner Insights have a customer testing environment that customers can access?


49) Are there any SLAs (service level agreements) that support needs to be aware of for Partner Insights?


50) If I make an update in Partner Insights how quickly does this update get populated to the terminal automation system the update is for?

The automation between Partner Insights should be in the range of 1 to 2 minutes. This may be configurable in the Guardian connector application.

51) What roles can make a request for carrier access to a terminal? Suppliers, and buyers can make a carrier request to a terminal owner. Carriers can also request access by sending a partnership request to a terminal owner. (Supplier role rollout will be later.)

52) If a terminal owner revokes certifications for a driver does this prevent the driver from accessing the terminal? Or does the terminal owner need to issue a terminal lockout and order to prevent access to the facility?

Automatic lockouts that prevent a driver access at the terminal are controlled by the TAS (Guardian) system. Certificates map to expirations in Guardian. Expirations in Guardian can be configured to have different behaviors. If a lockout happens in the Guardian system, it is displayed in Partner Insights. If a user specifically marks a driver or vehicle for lockout in Partner Insights, it is set in Guardian.

53) In the event a driver quits working for a carrier should the carrier deactivate the driver? Deactivating the driver will disable access to any terminals previously authorized for. The driver will still be available in the system and can be reactivated at any time. This maintains the driver record and associated documentation for both the carrier and terminal owner to meet compliance regulations. If all the terminal owners where a driver record was shared delete the driver, then the carrier can delete the driver.

54) Can a supplier manage carrier access for the terminals they operate at? If the terminal owner has enabled carrier access control for the supplier than the supplier can control what carriers access the terminal.

55) Who maintains certifications for drivers and vehicles?

Terminal owners and carriers can enter certificates.

Terminal owners can manage all certificates that are associated with their configured requirements.

Carriers can manage certificates across multiple terminal owners. Carriers can not edit certificates entered by the terminal owner.

56) How can I tell if a company is an active member on Partner Insights? Selecting a partner from the partner list under workflows will display a message if the partner is not on Partner Insights.

57) Can I setup any email or sms alerts in Partner Insights? There are no email or sms alerts that can get out of Partner Insights, only in-app alerts which can be viewed down at the bottom left corner. You can view all alerts that have been created here.

58) Where do I setup a SoldTo? SoldTos are configured under a buyer and an active buyer on Partner Insights can maintain their SoldTos. Suppliers can also manage their buyer’s SoldTos if the buyer is not active on Partner Insights.

59) How can I tell if my partner request has been rejected? If the request has been rejected it will no longer show under current workflows as pending. Instead it will display under completed and any comments as to why it was rejected will appear under comments.


Category: FAQs