How do I lookup the company administrator for my account?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

After logging into the platform administration account, click Companies icon. Using the filters, search for the desired company.  Once found, click on company record and click edit.   Located half-way down the page is a section for Company Admin.

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How do I sponsor another account?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Customer users can invite another company to join the system using a Partnership Request workflow. If the company that is invited does not already have a paid subscription, the user is presented with a check box to grant the invited company access. This creates a sponsored account. The invited company is sent a welcome email and a

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How does a Platform Admin setup an account as more than just 1 company type?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Companies exists in Partner Insights.  Each Company can have 1 or more of the 4 roles. Terminal Owner Supplier Buyer Carrier

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How does Partner Insights handle terminal ownership changes?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Currently this would need to be handled by a change in the db.  There are plans to add the management of terminal ownership to the Platform Operator role in the future.

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How does Partner Insights support add a new company to Partner Insights?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Partner Insights support team as a platform admin is able to create a new company. 1. Login as a Platform admin and select + Add Company. 2. Select the type of compa ny. 3. Enter details about the company and click Create.

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How does Partner Insights support add a new company to Partner Insights?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Partner Insights support team as a platform admin is able to create a new company.  Login as a Platform admin and select + Add Company. Select the type of company. Enter details about the company and click create.

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How many company types are there for Partner Insights?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The company types are Terminal Owner, Supplier, Buyer, and Carrier.

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How many users come with a subscription?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

There are no set limits. When a company originally subscribes, the company admin email is entered.  Once the company admin has logged into the system, the company can create as many user accounts as desired.

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If a terminal owner revokes certifications for a driver does this prevent the driver from accessing the terminal?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Automatic lockouts that prevent a driver access at the terminal are controlled by the TAS (Guardian) system. Certificates map to expirations in Guardian.  Expirations in Guardian can be configured to have different behaviors.   If a lockout happens in the Guardian system, it is displayed in Partner Insights.  If a user specifically marks a driver or

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If I make an update in Partner Insights how quickly does this update get populated to the terminal automation system the update is for?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The automation between Partner Insights should be in the range of 1 to 2 minutes.  This may be configurable in the Guardian connector application.

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