Reading Time: 6 minutes

13) How does Partner Insights handle terminal ownership changes? Currently this would need to be handled by a change in the db. There are plans to add the management of terminal ownership to the Platform Operator role in the future. 14) Does the terminal owner have to do anything in the event of a terminal

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Can a paying subscriber have more than one role?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Yes.  Each company can be assigned each of the 4 available roles.  Terminal Owner, Supplier, Buyer, Carrier.

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Can a sponsored account have more than one role?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A sponsored account can only have one role type i.e. buyer.

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Can a supplier manage carrier access for the terminals they operate at?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If the terminal owner has enabled carrier access control for the supplier than the supplier can control what carriers access the terminal.

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Can I setup any email or SMS alerts in Partner Insights?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

There are no email or SMS alerts that can get out of Partner Insights, only in-app alerts which can be viewed down at the bottom left corner.  You can view all alerts that have been created here.

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Do I have to be a paying subscriber to have an account?
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Partner Insights does have a “sponsored” account feature that allows non-paying customers access to the system. How to identify a sponsored company When searching for companies, sponsored companies will have a yellow star icon next to the company name to indicate they are sponsored. Limitations of sponsored companies A sponsored company can only work a

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Does a Platform Admin have the ability to delete an existing company?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

No. Companies cannot be deleted.

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Does DTN support have the ability to view when a user last logged in?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

No. That functionality does not currently exist.

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Does Partner Insights support have the ability to a reset a password for a user?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The “Forgot your password?” link on the login page allows users to reset passwords.  Support cannot reset a password. When a user enters their email address into the forgot password form, they will receive the verification code that will allow them to reset their password. If the email address is not a current user, no

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